Monday, September 14, 2020

Fall Windows

In my line of work, I don't need to use my display windows to show merchandise that represents my business. I have a marquee and poster cases for that. but instead they are used more as a form of attention getting and to add a form of visual interest on the façade.

Here are two different window displays from years pass.


By using curtains in asymmetrical fashion I was able to reveal a fall harvest scene. I used a old dresser, and filled it flowers and pumpkins overflowing the drawers. I added a touch of whimsy with the soft glow of light behind the fabric, as well as by suspending leaves to look as though they are falling and blowing in the wind.


This year I went with a more circus/ big top inspired feel. I kept the background symmetrical, and in the foreground I suspended cloth rope and pined up old film and stage ads I reprinted from my theatre and the various previous theatres and opera houses that had entertained the town from the 1880s-1960s. In the center I used another antique piece of furniture that had a piercing mint green paint that had begun to chip off due to age, and of course a few pumpkins because why not? I also hid cute little owls in the window.

  So, unfortunately this year I am not doing my fall window displays at the theatre. I have a total of three large windows on the façade of the building. I always enjoy creating and designing them, however they are very time consuming and as well as can become expensive.

Yet I'm still planning on hopefully doing some kind of display for Christmas. Time will tell though!

Yours truly,

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Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas