Monday, November 23, 2020

Clutter or Storage...?


"My future home office!"

"One of my future guest rooms!"

Can you see it?

     So, it is no mystery that we all try to put the best versions of ourselves out there for the world to see. However one reality I have found when renovating an entire house is you end up cramming all your furniture into pre renovated spare rooms for storage.

    The prior tenants of my home were hoarders... so one of the first things I had to do was empty it out and find the interior! Once I sifted through all their stuff I kept a few pieces of furniture that were original to the home that date back to the late 1800s. So now all 3000+ square feet of house is completely empty, but fast forward seven years later and I have accumulated A LOT of stuff thanks to yard sales, estate sales, antique shops, flee markets, and the occasional barn finds.

    I understand from the photos you might think I have a problem but in the case of antiques, you almost have to buy them when you see them since they can’t just order you in another one if they run out. Growing up I always wanted a Victorian home full of antiques, but I also know it is not the most ideal situation to renovate with so much stuff in the house. So for the time being I have all my furniture for the upper floor of my home crammed into these two rooms... well maybe two and a half rooms, but who's really counting! I will admit I use have almost five rooms that looked like these two. Luckily with the renovation progress I have been able to downsize the number of "storage unit" style rooms needed since all the furniture for my main level has been able to find its way down to their home in all the different rooms. However let’s face it I will always have at least one room at all times that looks extremely cluttered until all the rooms are restored, but with every room I get done and furnished I am able to bring that childhood dream of mine into reality!

Yours truly,


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Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas