Friday, April 23, 2021

End of a Long Week, New Finds, and Stunning Tile!

For the past two days I’ve been starting to install the wall tile for my master bathroom! I am beyond thrilled with how it is turning out. It is absolutely gorgeous against the baseboard paint color; now don’t worry the shoe will be painted in and that raw wood is just a spacer and there is another layer of molding to still go on... If you are unaware let me tell you that in authentic victorian design the baseboard were almost always very tall, so that being said the salvaged trim I was able to tear out of another house for this project will be nine inches tall when reassembled! That will be in due time though...

When I was working with the tile yesterday though I kept hearing these loud bangs coming from outside. So of course my curiosity got to me so I got up and needed to figure out what was going on! What the loud bangs were was my neighbor throwing projectile objects outside onto his backyard from the attic! So of course I immediately spotted the hand painted solid wood antique rocking horse! WOW!!!

Now it was broken before the two story drop, but I wouldn’t lay and say it didn’t break more.... but anything is fixable! It will probably only take me a couple of hours to restore it, but I anticipate me someday using it in one of my Christmas window displays at the theatre!?!? TBD

And on a different note my grandmother came home yesterday from the hospital after a four days stay! She was taken by ambulance to the hospital earlier in this week. She had been bleeding for about a day and a half at home before making anyone aware. While she was in the hospital they gave her two units of blood, and the best they could diagnose her was with the knowledge she has a GI bleed somewhere. She is 87 and has decided to opted out of having any scopes done to determine anything more precise... it is definitely her decision not to want to know, but all I can say is we don’t know...

Yours truly,


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Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas