Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Crazy Busy

What’s new?

Well, I’ve been supper busy...

You know with reopening the theatre after 15 months of being down, major home renovations, and of course life in general! Still no love life though... just saying!

The theatre reopening went well, we are on the slow side but hopefully as time goes on things will get busier. We just got through our second weekend! We’ve received so many lovely messages from friends and customers through it all! I have my fingers crossed for “Black Widow” to maybe pick up a little more!?!? I’ve been working tirelessly on my master suite IT LOOKS LIKE A ROOM IN A HOUSE NOW!!! My attention had to take a sharp turn to the front porch since discovering that the posts had become compromised with rot and the weight of the roof was causing the structure to collapse...

Just a joy of a old house of course I suppose!

I had the one side of the wrap around porch majority reconstructed back in 2014, and spent so much money getting things custom milled to match the original design. But I am sad to say nothing new I had made lasted and everything needed torn out... my woodwork chose to use poplar, and since then I’ve learned it can’t hold up outside! Today four of the eight of the weight baring posts got repaired, so figures crossed I can move past this issue! My gardens did take a bit of a beating around the porch but everything is perennial and will come back next year! Plus with all the cuttings I can now enjoy the flowers inside this year!

So now I am back to the drawing board to trying to figure out what I should do as a alternative especially since I am about 99 percent sure I got the original design right the first time I designed it... but with whatever I do this time I want it to still blend with the remaining original pieces of the porch...? Even though the porch is a little on the new side of thing being that it is only about 120 years old (as apposed to the 160 year old house give or take) I still really want to stay true to its feel of the architect at that time! I think classic old porches really bring out the elegance and charm of a old house exterior! What do you think, and how have you’ve been?

Yours truly,


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to see you are back open!!!!! And Black Widow should be amazing for you! I can't help with the structural design, but I know you will figure it out! Stay cool!


Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas