Friday, September 17, 2021

Well, Good News All Around!


You know the feeling when you get a call with great news? Well that just happened and some clouds parted to let the sun come through… 

That call was this is completely unrelated to the next news, but I can’t say what it was about other then it was a good call!

Also Soupy is doing better post surgery; and thanks goodness he made it through his surgery too! At his age there was a worry that he might of not woken up from surgery or a unknown block clot could of moved… I don’t know how I would of handled loosing him back to back with Nitche…. On a happier note his anesthesia wore off late last night so his personality is slowly coming back! He started eating again today, he even started to doing his “sit and shake” trick that he learned over quarantine for his treats! Yes he is a cat that knows tricks, he is part dog I think!?!? 2020 was really long and training a cat seemed to be a good use of time… 

But he has to continue to wear the onesie for at least the next two weeks till the stitches are out… and if he starts to pick at the onesie then he as to wear a cone. Ooooooh but luckily I found buried WAY deep in the back of my moms laundry room some old baby/toddler clothes hangers for Soupy’s clothes so I can hang them up after I do his laundry! It so cute to see them hanging up to dry on the line! 

Can anyone relate to the most randomly things like seeing a cloths line of onesies that flairs up your baby fever? I swear it happens more frequently the older I’m getting! 

Back to Soupy; he was slated to go back to the vets on Saturday to have the drainage tube removed but since it is still draining they thought it would be to delayed it till Monday morning… on the 29th he has to go and have all the stitches taken out too! Oh but don’t tell him this since he doesn’t know about have to go on two more car trips!

Yours truly,

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Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas