Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Early Morning Start

    As the national numbers increase and more and more cases are being diagnosed locally, I am still bunkering down. I have been wearing my mask diligently and practicing social distancing. But to avoid the crowds I took the advice from my aunt and tried to go to the grocery store first thing when they opened today. She was right, there wasn't really anyone there! 

    It was nice to see that most people shopping at that time were wearing masks, although many had them on incorrectly. In my state the governor issued now two executive orders on mask wearing. The first one had mandated indoor mask wearing, but the second one expanded the order to now even include outdoor settings. So for me this is a simple black and white ruling. In my area though I  have had to explain to multiple adults I know who think that the word "required" is a synonym for the word "requested." I don't understand this think process; is it a question of ignorance, or is this the intelligence level of all these people who's first language is English. 

    I also heard a story that I wasn't saddened surprised to hear today. So after the grocery story I stopped into the local hardware store. I got taking with one of the member of their management team who told me of a major problem they had. They have been normal seeing about 300-400 people a day and because of the area they have been having major backlash over enforcing mask wearing. So one day they had a man that entered without a mask and the cashier had to tell him he needed a mask to coming into the store. What did he do? Well, he actually pulled a gun on the cashier and the line of customers in the checkout. Why is it that this sounds justifiable to some? Lucky no one was harmed but he ran out before the authorities could be dispatched and they were unable to identify this man so no charges could of been placed.

    On a happier note, since I was up so early I opted to make a fruit salad for breakfast! I used fresh strawberries, blueberrys, grapes, and oranges!

Yours truly,

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Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas