Monday, December 14, 2020

There will always be something to do...

 Today, I filled my day with some DIY projects! One of which has been on my to do list since 2014, but better late then never I suppose! Which one you might ask... well it was the four drawers which needs to be refined for a antique cabinet in my mothers kitchen

The second project of the day is a salvaged antique door I got out of a old company home for a local paper mill. Now the door looks bigger in photos then it is in real life. It is only about two feet wide and five and a half feet tall. Believe me when I tell you that there is a reason for the unique size. It will end up being a cabinet door in my dressing room with a large drawer below. Now if you’ve read my last post and remember the those brass hinge I stripped paint off of; they go on this door. 

One reason why I’m extra excited to get to use this door is that it still has its original hand painted wood graining on one side of the door! So what I am going to do so I can still retain this artistic detail is make it the inside side of the cupboard door. That’s way you’ll still get to see it and when the door is open. I plan to then paint the exterior side to match the rest of the cabinetry in the room. Hope everyone is had a good start to the week!

Your truly,

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Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas