Monday, August 17, 2020

A Month of Thinking?

Should I listen to my own thought?


To shed a little light on what I have been think about is messaging a guy.... Am I bold enough to do so, since that is completely opposite of what I normally would do? If I am even thinking about messaging him is that saying something deeper? Do I have the confidence to do so? If I'd message him will I come on to strong? Am I to forward in thinking that I should message a guy I don't know? This is the same guy I talked about a month ago and my feelings haven't changed, and the longer time is going on I still can't get him out of my head. What should I do? What will I do?

Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. Do it.
    You won't know unless you try.
    If it works out, YAY!
    If not, Well, at least you know.
    Winning both ways!


Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas