Wednesday, August 12, 2020

In Need of a Change

    Do you ever have those days when you feel down? Well I know I certainly do. Yesterday I got that feeling that my life is in a rut, which unfortunately for me this is not the first time I have felt this way. Before the pandemic my life felt so structured and there was very little time for spontaneous things. I would get up, go and work on my house that is under construction, then go to work, and then come home and go to bed. For me it feels like sometimes I am suffocating myself and that my life isn't my own.

    Now since I can't work you would think I might have some extra time to alleviate this issue. However like everyone knows now this isn't the time to travel or visit with others. So now it is even a rarity to plan an outfit and get dressed in actual cloths and the only people I am really seeing are my mother and sister. Both of whom I can't talk to about this, so for now I am just casting a line into the universe and venting. I don't know what the actual solution is, but to have a little pick me up last night I took a long relaxing bath and listened to The Greatest Showman's soundtrack rearranged into classic music. Does anyone else ever get this feeling What do you do?

Yours truly,


1 comment:

  1. Yes. Yes. And yes.
    But when this is all over, you can come here!!!
    Hang in there, my friend.


Hello 27!

  Another year older and another year wiser! Yours truly, Nicklas